Maximilien Rivette

Maximillien Rivette | Jean Dujardin
Max likes to think of himself as an average person, not stupid or ignorant, or a genius; he is a moderately talented draftsman. He’s not poor but he’s not paid a lot of money either. The hard left and right of politics with their rigid points of view frighten him. He finds he can easily engage in conversation with people as he has a little bit of knowledge on just about anything that is the subject of conversation. He is a well read man. He is mister normal.
Occupation: Draftsman
Birth date: 09/06/1972
Birthplace: Geneva, Switzerland
Physical Description: Handsome. 6’0” 80kg
Personality: Slightly introverted
Values: Intelligence. Creativity. Honesty. Justice.
Ambition: To die with no regrets
Story goal: To provide the idea of the twelve rules and its superior societal system to the world he came from and then return to live out the rest of his life with Clarisse Ampère.
Habits/Mannerisms: Somewhat of a a perfectionist.
Background: Parents died at a young age. Was raised by an aunt who died when he was seventeen.
Education and employment:
1990 – Start of Fitting and Turning apprenticeship
1994 – Qualified Fitter and Turner
1995 – Works at company manufacturing equipment for CERN (Paris)
2000 – Draftsman at Dassault Systems (Paris)
2003 – Draftsman at ATLAS project at CERN (Geneva)
2007 – Draftsman at AgieCharmilles (Geneva)
2009 – Draftsman at RACE project at CERN (Geneva)
Notes: The actor I would like to play the part – Jean Dujardin